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The bus service from Lloret de Mar will be free only for private clients. The groups, under confirmed reservation, will be picked up at the Hotel and the rate will be €5 per person (round trip).
From Calella, Pineda and Santa Susanna - Malgrat, the bus service return ticket is 5 € (with booking).
Hours may change due to traffic.
Check bus schedule and conditions at this phone number: (+34) 972 36 86 13
Moventis Sarfa
Companyia Sagalés
Companyia Sarfa
Companyia Teisa
Lloret de Mar don’t have direct conexion with train but it is near of the two principal lines that connect with Barcelona and France. For going from Barcelona use the coast line of rodalies to Blanes station.
For coming with the interior line. The station is located in the village of Sils at 17 km of Lloret de Mar.
Lloret de Mar has three entry routes:
To the south, the C-32 coastal highway connects Barcelona with Lloret de Mar to Palafolls, the last 12 km have to be done on de N-II and G-682 roads passong through Blanes.
In the North from France, follow AP7 motorway until exit 9 (Lloret de Mar). The last 14 km have to be done on the GI-680 road.
To the northeast, 12 km along the G-680 road separate Lloret de Mar from Tossa.