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Entry to the facilities is subject to capacity.
No pets allowed.
Visitors who come to the park to enjoy their leisure time will have to comply with the rules of proper use of the facilities and care instructions that are given through the signs, public address system and, especially, through the monitors and lifeguards who ensure your safety and that of others.
From 14 years old you can access in your own. Children under 14 years old must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
Keep an eye on the risks of sun, use sunscreens before and during your stay.
In queues shall respect your turn and not be saved place to someone else.
Each facility is designed for a specific use, which only meets the standards of use is guaranteed the full security of users. Are violations of these rules, which entail the use of inadequate facilities, making the activity unsafe in the water park.
Each facility has been designed for a specific use, following the rules of use will ensure the safety of our visitors. Breaking the rules of use, which entails the inadequate use of the facilities, may lead to the endangerment of visitors.
By contrast, a correct use of the facilities (which passes through the compliance of the directions indicated and specialized by staff of the park), ensures, at all hours, the safety of the visitors.
For use of facilities, in addition to the general standards and specific to each, the user must be in normal physical condition. Bear in mind these conditions as, in most cases, the staff won’t be able to detect them. You must be in normal physical health to go on all rides (people with back problems, heart problems, dizziness and pregnant women can not make use of all rides). Pregnant women are not allowed to ride: kamikaces, Speed Furious, Hurricanes, Storm and Wild River. Water Mountain, Python and Mamba are also not recommended to ride.
In addition to the rules of use of the facilities the user must respect the other signs scattered throughout the park, which, in addition to ensuring safety, are aimed at maintaining the necessary order and safety within the park.
In particular we must respect the following rules:
The loungers and hammocks can be used only in the designated places (solarium swimming pools), it is forbidden to move them to other areas.
Ball games and other throwing games are not allowed anywhere in the park.
Picnics must be had only in designated picnic areas and not in other surrounding areas.
The park has a music speaker system to ensure everyone’s enjoyment, therefore it is not allowed to use any other music device that may disturb others without the use of headphones .
Visitors must not disrupt the surveillance carried out by specialized members of staff by distracting them.
Is it essential to the safety of all visitors not to distract the surveillance carried out by members of staff.
When you are inside of the park is non permitted go out and reentering. In the case of go out, if you want to reentering it is necessary to acquire another ticket in the box office.
Our prices are based upon height and not of age. This is due to the safety restrictions applied to each attraction at the park.No reimbursements will made on the entrance tickets for reasons caused by either; meteorological, power cuts or any other reason beyond the control of the company. Likewise, the amount of paid sevices will be not refunded nor will tickets provided for another day.
The Management of the park, which reserves the right to admission, may also, if the conduct of one or multiple users is not correct, proceed to his ejection from the grounds of the park. In this case, the user is not entitled to a refund of any amount to be paid in respect of entry or any of the services being provided within the park.
Mandatory park regulations. Failure to comply may result inthe cacellation of the season pass without the right to any compensation from Parcs Aquàtics de la Costa Brava, SL.
In these instances, the park reserves the right to take legal action on the events that lead to the ejection.
Some areas or facilities of the water park are under video surveillance.
Smoking is prohibited in offices, children's and family areas, inside facilities, restaurants and queus for all attractions.
The consumption of drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances is not permitted.
Most rides at Water World have mechanical and electrical components which are subject to maintenance or malfunction.
In one case or another, or for operational reasons, the company may have one ore more attractions out of use, assuming no responsibility to the user. if one or more attractions are out of use, there will be no right to a full or partial refund of the ticket price. Neither the amount of the services paid nor tickets for another day will be fully or partially refunded.
Nor will the user have the rigth to any refund in the event that once inside the park, inclement weather causes the decision to close the facilities or even the enclosure, nor to reimbursement of any paid services.
The park manager may decide to evacuate the premises for safety reasons in case of accident, serious damage or threat (explosive or otherwise). As in previous cases the user may not require repayment of any amount.
it is not allowed to join any ride outside the starting platform.
For safety reasons it is forbidden to wear ,in all rides glasses (except if they are specific for swimming), pendants, bracelets, watches, chains, large earrings or anything that may entail a risk to safety. These elements may deteriorate the structure of the attractions.
For people who do not know how to swim , the use of devices tha promote buoyancy (appoved life jackets) is mandatory.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit for the use of the attractions.
Diving and holding your breath are prohibited.
We inform you that the water in all the swimming pools and rides is treated with Chlorine (sodium hypochlorite 15%) and Salfuman (hydrochloric acid 25%), also the product LPH (liquid degreaser) is used to clean the rides.
Obligation of notify the accidents, the thefts and the losses. All the clients must to notify every accident or problem that take place during their stay in the park.
Here are the rules for use of each of the park's rides as well as instructions for the use of ancillary services. Meeting these standards ensures the user a correct use of the facility.
The descent of the Tornado King is done in a five-seater boat. The descent of a single user in the boat is not allowed. The minimum is two users per boat.
People under 1.20 m. tall are not allowed to use it. Maximum weight per person 114 Kg (250 Lb) and the maximum total weight of all users of the same boat is 320Kg (700 Lb). It is mandatory that all users of the same boat are weighed together on the scale located on the starting platform. A traffic light will indicate if the attraction can be used (green) or if the allowed limits are exceeded (red).
The monitor in charge of the attraction will position the occupants of the boat so that the descent is safe. Follow his instructions at all times.
Once the descent has begun, the boat may not be abandoned under any circumstances until you reach the end of the ride. Once there you will have to leave the boat as soon as possible following the instructions of the monitor.
Timetable of the attraction: From 11:00 a.m. until one hour before the park closes. For operational reasons, access to the queue may be closed earlier.
Failure to comply with the rules of use of the Tornado King may involve a significant risk. Tornado King is not allowed for: pregnant women, people with heart or back problems.
Children's and family area. The Tornado Land: Tornado, Tornado Wave, three Twisters, two Proraces and Miniriver are designed for the little ones up to five 1.50 cm. Children must be permanently supervised by an adult. It is not allowed to form chains or dive headfirst. Diving in the pools is not allowed. You're not allowed to hold your breath underwater.
It is not allowed down to under 120 cm. tall.
You should always keep a minimum distance of 30 metres in respect of prior user before embarking from the platform of departure, according to the indication of the monitor located there.
It is not permitted the user to voluntarily stop during the tour, or to stand or leave the facility at an intermediate point of the trail.
Once in the pool reception, the user will have to leave it as soon as possible and respond to signs of lifeguard located there.
It is strictly forbidden launched two or more users simultaneously, as well as carrying a small child in her arms. For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
Not recomended for people over 110 kg
It is not allowed down to under 80 cm. tall.
You should always keep a minimum distance of 30 metres in respect of prior user before embarking from the platform of departure, according to the indication of the monitor located there.
It is not permitted the user to voluntarily stop during the tour, or to stand or leave the facility at an intermediate point of the trail.
Once in the pool reception, the user will have to leave it as soon as possible and respond to signs of lifeguard located there.
It is strictly forbidden launched two or more users simultaneously, as well as carrying a small child in her arms. For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
Not recommended for people over 110 kg
It is not allowed down to under 120 cm. tall.
It is not allowed to lose or head upright. It should be lowered necessarily lying back and with their hands in the neck so that the arms will protect your head. Your legs must be crossed all time. Please, keep the right position during all the ride. Not to do it could be dangerous.
You are not allowed to get off before the previous user has left the pool of arrival.
Upon arrival, the pool should be abandoned quickly by the side he could claim without crossing the path of the possible arrival of another user.
The queue access to the platform of departure should be kept away from the ladder.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
Not recommended for people over 110 kg.
Safety restrictions prohibit visitors under 120 cm tall from experiencing this ride. The drop is made with twin tires and achieves dramatic acceleration and top speeds. It is a very rapid decline. You must follow the directions at all times of the monitors and information panels. The heaviest person must sit in the front position of the tire. You may not start the tour until the previous customer has reached the end. Once there, the ride is vacated as quickly as possible and give the tire the first in the queue. Not recommended for people over 110 kg.
It is not allowed down to under 120 cm. tall, and is not advisable for people over 50 years, people with heart problems, pregnant women and people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
They may only use is attracting people who know how to swim.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
Using the attraction one person at the same time, and only being allowed down when the previous user has left the pool of arrival.
It is not allowed to lose or head upright. It should be lowered necessarily lying back and with their hands in the neck so that the arms will protect your head.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
It is strictly forbidden by the user track down upright, as well as to be lifted at any point of the trail.
Each user has a clue and should never descend two or more users at once by a single track. Nor is it possible to move from one track to another of the decline that began during the journey.
No user begin leaving until the runway is clear and never before indication of the monitor output.
Upon arriving at the pool receiving the user will leave the pool quickly. For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
Shall not be initiated until the fall as your monitor output.
It is forbidden to lose his head.
It is not permitted to use any kind of children float. Because of the whirlwind may lose on the road causing insecurity to the user.
Upon arrival, should be abandoned as soon as possible the pool reception.
Not allowed to remain in the intermediate pools over time or interrupt the journey by any intermediate point of the trail from the river. Schedule: from 11 am
The maze of Lake infant and attractions are designed for small.
It is forbidden that adults use these facilities. It is only allowed the presence of adults who are caring for children who use them.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
These interactive children's attractions are designed for small.
It is forbidden that adults use these facilities. It is only allowed the presence of adults who are caring for children who use them.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
It is not allowed down to under 1.08 m tall.
In the fall this attraction is scheduled to take place in a boat two places, so that the two persons are positioned one after another.
The monitor responsible for the attraction may require the order of occupation of the boat because of the weight of each of the two users.
Once the decline may not abandoned the boat under any circumstances until it reaches the end of the trail. Once there must abandon the boat as soon as possible.
It is not allowed down to under 140 cm. tall.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
The operating hours of Water Mountain will be from 11:00 am until 1 hour before the park closure. For operational reasons the access to the queue may be closed before.
It is not allowed down to under 1.08 m tall.
In the fall this attraction is scheduled to take place in a boat two places, so that the two persons are positioned one after another.
The monitor responsible for the attraction may require the order of occupation of the boat because of the weight of each of the two users.
Once the decline may not abandoned the boat under any circumstances until it reaches the end of the trail. Once there must abandon the boat as soon as possible following the instructions of the monitor.
The operating hours of Xtreme Mountain will be from 11:00 am until 1 hour before the park closure. For operational reasons the access to the queue may be closed before.
In the fall this attraction must be carried out in a boat of four users.
Once the fall, under any circumstances be abandoned the boat until it reaches the end of the trail in the pool reception. Once there must quickly abandoned the boat and leave the pool for the site qualified to do so.
Both in the queue waiting and departure and on arrival will be followed at all times the instructions marked or reported by the monitor.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
The operating hours of Rafting River will be from 11:00 am until 1 hour before the park closure. For operational reasons the access to the queue may be closed before.
In any of the pools of the park is prohibited pulled head. The user must have access to the pool on the stairs ready for this.
At all times the user should follow the instructions reported by the monitor.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
The wave machine will commence at 11:00am. This system is designed to operate during 10 minutes then rest for 20 minutes and will operate during the day up until 1 hour before the park closes.
In any of the pools of the park is prohibited pulled head. The user must have access to the pool on the stairs ready for this.
At all times the user should follow the instructions reported by the monitor.
For reasons of hygiene and safety, the user must wear only bathing suit.
In solariums of the Wave Pool and are willing Llac Relax hammocks and deck chairs. They are for rent.
An employee of the park will collect the rent established and exposed at the box office, which entitle the user to use during the day.
The hammocks and deck chairs can not move the area in which they are located.
In the park there are picnic areas properly marked. They exist tables free use by users. Each table has room for six people.
Users are not forced to occupy most of the necessary tables or longer than necessary and collect all the waste that may occur. Throwing them to the garbage containers ready for this purpose.
In the event of any broken glass, users must warn our cleaning staff that will especially not be in any piece of ground glass.
The picnic can not be practiced outside the area specially marked.
It is not allowed to enter with heavy objects as portable fridges, umbrellas...
The user has the right to use medical services if the park were injured inside the same or have unforeseen need of assistance.
The park's medical services are provided by Decree 103 / 1988 issued by the Generalitat of Catalonia on the regulation of the operation of water parks and its subsequent amendments that may occur. Therefore, appropriate medical services are to provide first aid.
If the seriousness of the case so requires, the patient will be transferred to a care centre appropriate choice by the management of the park, with total economic indemnity for the user.
The Medical Service, which due to legal requirements exists during the hours of service available to our clients, will issue a certificate-report with all the data and details pertinent to the case, which will serve as pre-diagnosis of the first aid provided and also as an essential requirement to be able to benefit from the possible compensations to which he was entitled. For these purposes, there is a record that at the end of the season will be legalized by an ECA, in which all the first aid services that are carried out in our infirmary will be recorded and that the affected client-user will be able to request for the verifications that they consider appropriate, at any time.
The wate park has car park. In areas adjacent to the park's two entrances there are areas suitable for parking.
The car park can only be used by users of the park and during its opening hours to the public, extended by one hour before and after it.
The company did not respond in any case of theft or damage they may suffer the vehicle or objects deposited therein.
In the park there are enabled units as dressing rooms: one for ladies and gentlemen to another. These sites are provided only for changing clothes, not for any kind of toilet or service, which already has its branches in other locations.
Annex to the locker room there is a set of lockers available to the public upon payment of the amount tariffed which will be found duly announced. The address of the park requires the deposit of a sum of money in ensuring the return of the key.
Any forgotten object after one day will be considered as lost object. In the event that it is food, in the same way the limit will be the daily closure of the facility and immediately afterwards it wil be destroyed.
The company Parcs Aquàtics of the Costa Brava S.L. is not responsible for deposits of clothing or effects
The address of the park does not respond to objects that might get lost inside the park.